Positive Foundation

about us
The Positive Foundation projects are to ensure that men and women in the community are aware that early detection of breast and prostate cancer through regular
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breast self-examinations, scheduled mammogram and clinical breast examination and annual Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) testing could greatly reduce the seriousness of breast and prostate cancer in the population, if they are practiced more widely.
Man up to Prostate Cancer
What are the 5 warning signs of prostate cancer?
Prostate cancer rarely produces symptoms in the early stage; however, five potential
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warning signs can help in detecting prostate cancer are; • Bone pain (due to spread) • Symptoms from compression of the spine • Painful urination or ejaculation • Sudden erectile dysfunction (trouble in getting an erection) • Blood in urine or semen”.
get involved
All voluntary projects, campaigns or any public events for community services can be found easily.